Your child with Autism wants you to get the full picture
Ask Autistic adults who only wish their parents had done the same
“I would give this a definite 10/10 and would recommend to anyone with autistic children”
“Your service is fantastic!
What information I already received helped me tremendously ”
How It Works
Post your question in the form below anonymously and choose how many people you’d like to get answers from.
We’ll send your question to over 4,000 autistic adults in our network.
Within 4 business days you’ll get hand-picked, well-thought, answers to your question.
Give your child with autism a much better chance to get understood.
How much does it cost?
17$/answer. We charge these fees to pay the autistic adults who will provide their valuable perspective.
What if I don't receive an answer or am not happy with the answers I got?
If you didn't receive an answer within three business days, we would refund you automatically. We will also refund you if you are not happy with the depth of the answers.
Why do I have to pay now?
To guarantee the answering autistic adults will get their fee. If you don't get an answer within three (4) business days, you'll get a refund.
Will people be able to identify my child or me?
No! Respondents will not know who submits the question. In fact, we won’t know as well (we don’t ask for your name at all).
Will my questions be answered by professional therapists?
No. There are plenty of professional consultants out there. We aim to give parents a completely different perspective —the perspective of their future child.
*real parent, with a different name