8 Lead Generation Ideas Proved to Be Highly Effective in 2021

By: Arik Marmorstein, Spectroomz founder

Spectroomz lets you and your team hire an online researcher so you can both focus on where your skills are most impactful AND get data-driven decisions.

In this post, I’ll share 8 lead generation ideas and examples. You can implement those for yourself. No need to hire lead generation companies, specialists, or an agency.

What is lead generation

Lead generation is the process of getting your target audience contact details so your sales or marketing team can convert them into clients or users. 

B2B and B2C Lead Generation

Lead generation for businesses (B2B lead generation) is more common. That’s because converting potential businesses to become customers is a longer process that requires sales calls. 

But B2C lead generation also happens. Companies that sell products directly to consumers sometime need to nurture them, especially if the product is more expensive. They can generate leads and followup with them with a weekly informational newsletter. 

For example, if you offer an online course, you can generate leads to subscribe to your email newsletter, send helpful content on a weekly basis and every few months let people know your online course is open for enrollment. 

Demand generation vs lead generation

A lead generation funnel has several phases:

  1. Demand generation - this is is the process of getting your target audience to your site. SEO and content marketing is a great way to accomplish this. That’s why SaaS SEO (SEO for SaaS companies) is on the rise. But there are other methods like influencer marketing you can use to accomplish this. 

  2. Lead generation - get potential clients to leave their content details. We’re focusing on this phase.

  3. Have your sales or marketing team convert them into customers. 

  4. Repeat. 

Lead generation ideas and examples

Spectroomz enables companies to hire autistic freelancers for their SEO and content marketing projects. It has two target audiences - freelancers and companies that need SEO services. Here’re 7 lead generation examples that proved to be effective for me. 

1) The 32 remote (work from home) jobs for autistic adults quiz

  • What’s this - a quiz that helps autistics and Aspergers understand what remote job is good for them. 

  • Goal - to get autistics to sign up as freelancers on Spectroomz after they complete the quiz. I see 13% conversion rate (leads that convert to freelancers) for this quiz and it helped me generate almost 1,000 leads organically, in just a few months. 

  • I have used Typeform to create the quiz and used Zapier and ConvertKit to send followup emails to convert the leads to freelancers (if they subscribe). 

Here’s the quiz:

powered by Typeform

2) 6 remote (work from home) SEO-related jobs for autistic adults

The concept is almost identical to the above. 

powered by Typeform

3) Validate your business idea quiz

  • What’s this - a quiz that helps entrepreneurs and founders validate their startup ideas. It’s based on a YC lecture

  • The goal - get founders and entrepreneurs to subscribe to my newsletter, send them valuable content, and convert them into customers that hire freelancers for their future/current SEO needs. 

Here’s the quiz:

powered by Typeform

4) How to interview users tool

  • What’s this -  startups and entrepreneurs need to constantly talk to users in order to understand if they are working on the right product. Especially in the early stage of the company. Following this lecture about how to interview users, I have created this tool. 

  • The goal - get founders and entrepreneurs to subscribe to my newsletter, send them valuable content, and convert them into customers that hire freelancers for their future/current companies. 

Here’s the tool:

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5) Freelance contract creator

  • What’s this - This tool enables clients and freelancers to create freelance contract easily. 

  • The goal - Both freelancers and companies search for a freelance contract templates. The goal is to get companies who hire freelancers familiar with Spectroomz and convert them later on as customers that hire freelancers on Spectroomz. 

Here’s the creator:

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6) The crowdfunding question

  • What’s this - When reading how does crowdfunding work guide you’ll see there is a popup and a link to answer a crowdfunding-related question. Those who answer right get 25% off of the crowdfunding course.  

  • Goal - generating revenue. Once a lead is generated, I use ConvertKit and Zapier to send the coupon for those who answer right. 

Here’s the form:

powered by Typeform

7) The autistic friendly employer meter

  • What’s this - a quiz for employers to understand how autistic-friendly are they. 

  • Goal - Get potential employers who are interested in becoming autistic friendly to subscribe to Spectroomz newsletter and convert them into customers who hire SEO freelancers. 

Here’s the form:

powered by Typeform

8) Hootsuite vs Buffer comparison quiz

  • What’s this - a comparison quiz for the social media management tools Buffer and Hootsuite. Readers answer a few questions and get a personalized answer what’s the best tool for their business. 

  • Goal - businesses and startups use these tools. The goal is to get them as subscribers and convert them to customers who hire SEO freelancers. 

Here’s the tool:

powered by Typeform

Pro tip:

I segment my email subscribers based on their actions and get better open, click and conversion rates. I use ConvertKit to automate the process (this is my full ConvertKit review).

Fair disclosure: if you’ll sign up to ConvertKit through my review, you support Spectroomz activity (helping autistic adults get jobs).